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Legend of Nyi Roro Kidul


Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful princess named Kadita. Because of her beauty, she was called Dewi Srengenge which means the sun is beautiful. Dewi Srengenge was the son of King Munding Wangi. Although the king had a beautiful daughter, she was always sad because in fact he always wished to have a boy. The king was then married with Dewi Mutiara, and get a son from the marriage. So, bahagialah king.

Dewi Mutiara wanted her son later became king, and he was trying to make his wish come true. Then Dewi Mutiara came to the king, and asked that the king sent his daughter away from the palace. Of course the king refused. "It's ridiculous. I will not allow anyone who wants to be rude to my daughter ", said King Munding Wangi.

Hearing the answer, Dewi Mutiara sweet smiled and said to the king is not angry with him. But even so, he still intends to fulfill his desire.

In the morning, before sunrise, Dewi Mutiara sent her maid to call a shaman. He wants the shaman cursed Kadita, stepson. "I want her pretty infested with scabies and itching. If you succeed, then I will give you a reward that you never imagined. "The shaman obey the queen. In the evening, the body was covered with scabies Kadita and itching. When she woke up, she realized her body was stinking and full of ulcers. The beautiful princess was crying and did not know what to do.

When the king heard this, he became very sad and invited many doctors to cure her daughter. He knew that the disease was not fair daughter, someone must have been condemned or us- gunainya. The problem becomes more complex when the Queen Dewi Mutiara forced him to expel her daughter. "Puterimu will bring bad luck for the whole country," said Dewi Mutiara. Because the king did not want his daughter becomes gossip around the country, eventually he was forced to agree to the proposal of Queen Pearls to send her daughter out of the country.

The poor princess went alone, without knowing where to go. He was barely able to cry again. He really has a noble heart. He did not hold a grudge for his stepmother, instead he always asked God with him in suffering

Nearly seven days and seven nights he went until finally arriving in the Southern Ocean. He looked at the ocean. The water is clean and clear, unlike other oceans where the water is blue or green. He jumped into the water and swim. Suddenly, when the waters of the Southern Ocean that touched his skin, a miracle occurred. Boil disappeared and there was no sign that she had scabies or itch. Instead, he became more beautiful than before. Not only that, he now has the power to govern the whole of the Southern Ocean. Now he becomes a nymph called Nyi Roro Kidul or Queen of the South Ocean Beach live forever.


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