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Gambyong Dance History of Java


Gambyong Dance is one of the traditional dance form of Java, especially Central Java. Dance gambyong a conglomeration of folk dance and court dance. The origin of the word 'Gambyong' was originally the name of a waranggana or selected women (prostitutes) in which intelligent and skilled in delivering a beautiful and lively dances. Full name of waranggana mentioned above is Mas Ajeng Gambyong. Beginning, dance gambyong only as part tayub dance or dance can be called taledhek. Taledhek The term is also used as the denominator taledhek dancer, dancers tayub, as well as dancers gambyong. History of Dance Gambyong originating from Central Java can also be interpreted as a single character dances that can be done by a woman or a dancer who is shown as the beginning of a dance performance could be called a party or dance. Gambyongan itself has meaning golekan or dolls made of wood 'and depicts a woman dancing in a shadow puppet show at the closing.
Along with the development of more advanced age, history Gambyong Dance Central Java is also experiencing a change and development, particularly in the form of presentation. Initially, grain shape gambyong dance is dominated by the creativity and the interpretation of the dancers with pengendang own. In the sequence-urutannyapun, dance presented by the dancers based on the pattern and the music of the drum. Subsequent developments or now, more dominated their gambyong dance choreographies of dance gambyong. The development of this choreography, formerly preceded the emergence of dance Gambyong Pareanom 1950, precisely in Mangkunegaran, and drawn by Nyi Bei Mintoraras. After this appearance, namely dance Gambyong Pareanom. Start the many variants of the dance outstanding gambyong growing outside Mangkunegaran, including Gambyong Pangkur, Gambyong Ayun-swinging, Gambyong Sala Minulya, Gambyong Mudhatama, and Gambyong Gambirsawit, Gambyong Campursari, and Gambyong Dewandaru
From the stage to the first, gambyong dance development in the 1980s was an important development and the most rapid. It is marked also by the increasing number of offerings that modify the shape of the elements of motion with the change of volume, tempo, motion quality, dynamic, and others. The increasing frequency of the presentation as well as the number of dancers, can make dance gambyong be little changed, its history Gambyong Dance Central Java in the life of the community. Gambyong dance was once merely serves as a spectacle and entertainment, is now growing again became a dance for welcoming guests both in formal events ataupuntidak. In addition, with the increasing number of dancers as a result of the shape of a dish designed mass and coupled with an age range of sanagt bevariasi. Of the children, a girl, to mothers or adult. Nowadays, not be surprised if even dance this gambyong have mingled in the various levels of education exist, namely from the start of early childhood to university. Thus dance gambyong still be a sign that the ga dance history, Byong njawani these properties as well as typical Javanese. They also preserved by the younger generations. Yes, who else will maintain and preserve the wealth of art and culture of Java, Indonesia, if not of his own youth. Included in terms of innovation modivikasi and dance. Although the dance is still the same, by means of innovations and modifications, a dance can also be called a flexible and fast will not waver run over the dilapidated condition the world. To be sure, there is still no sight of the roots of Indonesian culture. Later, certainly ancestral values ​​will be the most beautiful legacy for the nation. A few of the dance gambyong