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Saman Dance Brief History


Saman is one of the traditional arts grow and develop in the Gayo people in the district of Gayo Lues, Aceh Tenggara, Aceh Timur (Subdistrict Serbejadi), Aceh Tamiang (Tamiang Hulu).
Based on stories by word of mouth, Saman comes from art called pok ane which means clapped his hands while singing. Historically, Saman developed by an Islamic leader named Sheikh Saman. Besides being a religious broadcaster Sheikh Saman was also an artist so the name was later dedicated as the name of Saman dance. In a further development of this art is used as a medium of propaganda for the development of Islam. As a developer media of Islam, until now we still feel in his poems, especially in the initial steps is kept up begins with the greeting. In writing Mudha Farsya (in Haba, No. 38/2006) stated that the saman dance was born approximately in XIV century. But if the dance is used as a propaganda tool spread of Islam, then the dance has existed before Islam came to the Land of Gayo. Up to now has not found literature about Syech Saman Saman dance is believed to be the developer. Snouck on his way to the Gayo Land in the early 1900s (Tanoh Gayo and inhabitants, 1996), said that the Saman dance is performed at the end of the fasting month by the youngsters (male).
In a further development, saman serve as art are included in the festival Aceh Cultural Week (PKA-2) in 1972 in Banda Aceh. At that time saman become one of the favorite dance so the title "a thousand hands dance" by the mother Tien Suharto. Since then Saman began widely known da invited to the opening of the Taman Mini Indonesia Indah in 1974. Then Saman invited to various events nationwide tngkat up cultural missions abroad. In further developments, saman be used as a commercial commodity.
Based on the results of field surveys indicate that saman degrades the value and meaning. Shallowing of the value and meaning of this will harm the summons. The influence of television, internet, foreign cultures and other forms of technology is a major factor in the degradation of values ​​and meanings. This is a severe threat to the preservation of the original summons in the district of Gayo Lues. This obviously will bring adverse effects to the original summons scattered outside the district of Gayo Lues, Aceh Province.
Saman is one of the traditions that grew and developed in the community Gayo Lues, in Gayo Lues district, Gayo people in District Serbejadi (district, East Aceh), and the Gayo people in the district of Tamiang Hulu (Kab Aceh Tamiang). Saman is a permaianan tradition usually done by children and adults at the time of filling his spare time. Either at the time in the fields, mersah, after lessons at home whenever they took time to practice Saman. Saman game into a performing art that is often staged as a media gathering, friendship, delivery of moral messages, rhymes youth, depictions lam and the surrounding environment, and so on.
Saman Gayo existence in society is a hereditary tradition and become a part of their lives. Saman there and live in the community Series Gayo (Gayo Blang) wherever they are. Besides held in his hometown, Saman also be done in areas of their overseas, such as in Banda Aceh, Medan, and also in Jakarta. In his hometown, Saman played starting from the ellipse (hamlet) to the district level. Saman saman bejamu done by inviting from other regions to jointly play saman.

Saman is part of the culture of Gayo community that serves as a medium of communication, a means of gathering, and as entertainment. Is generally carried out in the bale Saman Saman village or in the field shown on big days such as wedding ceremonies, holidays and so forth.
Saman done by men who are generally young age. They practice a summons from an early age in mersah. Children who were chanting in mersah will generally air-saman as one of the media to play them.Types include Saman Saman Jejunten, namely saman is done at night by sitting on a palm tree felled. Njik Saman, namely Saman performed during breaks in activity thresh rice. Saman Ngerje (Umah Sara), saman committed by youth at the wedding party. Bejamu Besaman, which is done by inviting saman saman group from another village. Bejamu Besaman done in two ways, the first Saman Sara Ingi (Saman one night) is saman done all night. Saman is done on the day of besan religious (Aidul Fitr, Aidul Adha, and the Birth of the Prophet Muhammad. Secondly, Saman Roa Lo Roa Ingi (Saman two days and two nights), saman is carried out continuously. Saman Bale acid is saman conducted in noon in commemoration of the great day. Saman is implemented jointly in a field and each group is free to choose his opponent. Usually, the event organizers will mengaundang saman groups from various neighborhoods to meet and compete.
Saman dance consists of Keketer, Rengum, Salam, Movement Dance, Ulu Ni song, Anak ni Songs, Saur, Poetry, rattles and Cover. In the poem Saman many are inserts Arabic and Aceh. Saman was the norm before the dance begins, as the Preamble first an old man representing the local communities in which Saman dance was held, gave a word (keketar) addressed to the players and spectators. Keketar is a speech spoken by a community or traditional leaders who provide advice to the players and spectators Saman.
In the Saman dance there Preamble Rengum namely in the form of imitation sounds uttered together. Then proceed with the greeting spoken by one of the players (penangkat / Syech). Once it was called Ulu Ni song or the beginning of the dance. The next stage is the song and dance movements. Hereinafter called the Son Ni songs is quick hand gesture and short which contains poems consisting of Saur and redet. Once the song is sung and then the player makes Saur disaurkan together. Several times Saur interspersed syech shrill singing, two or three times and then ride or stand on his knees and from syech that signaled then connected with rattles. This shake is done by standing above the knee. When sitting cross-legged with a scene very quickly once called gerutup. Gerutup done in a sitting position. In one song, it continues to do so many times, which then changed to move with the rhythm or another song. In closing dance usually performed surang-filtered, or by applause by singing along with Saur until the show ends.

Composition saman players, namely;

Penangkat: those that regulate the movement and rhythm of summons, the position is in the middle of the player.

Pinchers: penangkat if forgotten his duty to remind the next movement, generally 2 position in the right and left penangkat.

Pinchers: help clamp to warn if there is any misunderstanding motion, generally have people who melodious voice.

Penupang: maintaining the balance of his friends or sustain that balance is maintained.


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