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Plate Dance (Piring Dance) , Art & Culture Typical West Sumatra


In addition to an abundance of natural attractions, the West Sumatra also has many styles of art that will make you amazed. One of them is the art of local dance named Plate Dance. In recent years, the government of West Sumatra crowned Plate Dance became one of the assets to attract the attention of tourists.
Plate Dance from West Sumatra, precisely in Solok. At first, the plate dance performed by women and men to bring the god of the gods as a form of gratitude for the harvest which gives very satisfactory results. They dance very agile while holding the plates in his palm. There are three types of variations of movement in art Plate Dance, namely bagaluik squirrels (squirrels romp), bagalombang (wavy), and aka malilik (twisted sense).
Dance Art PiringNamun, as the entry of Islam then the dance is experiencing a shift so as no longer to worship the gods but to be displayed in celebration events or also weddings. The dancer also switched from the first mixture, now only performed by women who dressed up. Perhaps you would not believe without seeing directly the dancers move fast, attractive, energetic and very picturesque with plates that did not sway much less fall. The dance begins with the dancers began to move in accordance with the dance choreography put a plate in each hand without spite or shifted a bit.

The atmosphere more lively with the instruments used to accompany the dance in unison, ie talempong and saluang. Costume dancers usually brightly colored so that it supports a festive event. You will also hear a distinctive rhythm generated from the clatter of plates that are held with the ring was deliberately worn on the finger dancers. Then, be prepared to hold your breath for a moment at the middle of the show, because there will be attractions throwing dishes. Yes, the plates held by the dancers accidentally thrown very high into the air and then the pieces stamped with dance movements continued. This illustrates the excitement over abundant harvests. Miraculously, no one will be any cuts in the feet of the dancers even if they stepped on with bare feet. In general, these dancers in traditional dances odd number, between three, five, or seven dancers.
Dancers Dance PiringTari merits dishes are very well known all over the world. This dance had been staged outside of West Sumatra, namely in big cities like Jakarta, Medan, Pekanbaru, and others. More proud of again, Dancing Plates were also staged in the framework of the cultural festival tour of the archipelago. Not only in the country, Plate Dance has also penetrated into the international and cultural festival ever staged in the archipelago in Malaysia, Singapore, Serbia, as well as several countries in Europe.


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